Reflection on 2021 and the Opportunity for a New Start in the New Year.
It’s the final few days of the year. This year I decided to take some time to reflect on the past 365 days. To give me a little credit for my growth this year and to figure out what I want next year to look like for myself. These days can be hectic with family around and engagements to attend, but I would encourage you to take a few minutes for yourself.
I had done this over a couple of days, just when I had a few minutes here or there to let my mind wander over the last year. I would journal about it to validate that 2021 was a big year of growth. I took the last part of 2020 to start working on myself and focused on it more intensely in 2021.
Letting Go
I have been able to let go of feelings from my past and understand how those feelings have shaped me as an adult. I figured out what I didn’t need to carry anymore and let it go. The weight that I was able to release gave me a sense of freedom I was longing for. I had this sense that I was trapped, but in reality, I was trapped because I continued to hold onto stuff that kept me from moving forward.
When you can let go of the past feelings, you make room for new ones. When you let go of the emotions, it doesn’t mean that you forget the memories, they are always there for you, but you don’t have to carry around the hurt and pain if you don’t want to.
All through 2021, I was letting go, and amazing things started to happen for me. The most important was that I began to like the person staring back at me in the mirror. I was able to open up to more people. Most people would tell you I am pretty guarded, but I have learned to let down my draw bridge and let people see who I am. It can be challenging to figure out that You are the issue and that You have to change in order to make situations better. I feel like I have been able to change situations for the better throughout my year.
Year-Long Goals
I took a moment and looked back at my journal from January 1, 2021. I had written down a few things that I wanted to accomplish in the year.
I am happy to say that I did accomplish all the things I set out to do. I had forgotten what I had written, of course, but it was fun to look back and see that I had a mission for 2021, and I was able to accomplish it.
For instance, I wanted to find my voice and communicate better with people. I started this blog to use my voice and share my journey with others. It was scary starting this blog. I learned that I didn’t need to get millions of views; I needed to be out there, so if one person found my blog that needed to read about what I wrote, so they knew they weren’t alone, I succeeded.
Big Plans for 2022
I have big plans for 2022.
I plan on sharing some of those plans with you in the future. Mostly I want to continue with writing and daily meditation. I want to continue with energy healings and readings as well.
Word for 2022 – ADVENTURE
I want 2022 to be an adventure. ADVENTURE is my word for 2022. I am approaching every day as an adventure to learn something new and experience every moment. Life is not a job, it’s an experience, and I want to be able to experience it all. What word would you pick for your 2022 ahead? Take a moment in a quiet space, and ask yourself, “What’s my word for 2022?”
I want to be open to what comes my way and find all the joy in the adventure that I can. I am hopeful that in 2022 we will start to come out of the fog we have been in for the last 2 years. That people’s lives will feel more stable, and we can find kindness for each other.
New Year, New Beginning
I want to wish all of you a Happy New Year! It’s a new beginning, a chance for you to change your stars and live your adventure.
Experience the beauty and joy in the little things and let go of all that holds you back. Let it go in these last few days of 2021 and take the new start opportunity for 2022.
If you are looking for some ideas for adventure, you can read my post on fulfilling lifelong dreams. It explains some of my adventures from 2021.