Canadian Thanksgiving Grateful Post
This weekend is Thanksgiving in Canada. The actual day is Monday, but in Canada, I have learned over the years, you pick which day on the weekend you’d like to celebrate. As an import to Canada, that was something that took me a few years to wrap my head around. Anyway, as I was sitting here with the snow falling outside, the fireplace burning, and college football on tv, I was thinking about all the things I am thankful for. I have a lot to be grateful for and believe that this was the perfect time to share some of it. It’s important to take a moment and sit in gratitude, thank the people who have helped you on the way and show that you see them and appreciate them. So, here goes.
Our Wedding
Every Canadian Thanksgiving, what comes to my mind is that it was the weekend Kevin and I chose to get married. This Tuesday marks 25 years since we said “I Do,” and it was one of my best decisions and something I am thankful for every day. It’s hard to believe it’s been 25 years, and we have accomplished so much that we set out to do.
We have two amazing boys who are stand-up young men now. We have built a business, built a few different houses, but most importantly, we have built a solid relationship. In my mind, we are the perfect teammates for each other. I love you, Kevin, and I am grateful every day for you and our marriage.
25 Years!
Just kids!
I am thankful for the people who have come in and out of my life and have helped me grow as a person. From all those kids in my sixth-grade class who helped me when our family was in an accident to my new friends helping me grow as a ski instructor here at Silver Star. To the people who have stepped up and helped when I have asked for it. To those who stepped up anyway because they knew I needed help, but I was too stubborn to ask for it. I appreciate all of you. I have been so lucky in my life to have such inspiring, strong, encouraging and loving people around me. Grateful!
This past weekend I was able to see my family. It has been two years or more since I have seen any of them. It was amazing. It felt like the part of me that all the craziness in the world had dimmed, found its spark again. I can not express in words how happy I was and what it meant to see all of them again.
There were lots of tears on my end, but that’s nothing new as my eyes water all the time! These were definitely happy tears, though. So, thank you to Erin and Kenny for bringing us all together.
My Journey
I have found myself in a place where I can have some self-reflection. To evaluate where I was and appreciate where I am now. How I have changed and how I have chosen to challenge myself to get to this point. By challenging myself and taking a step ahead, I have been able to grow as a person. I have been able to be a better teammate, Mom, friend, but most importantly, I have been better to myself. I am so thankful for that. Sometimes we can all be very hard on ourselves. It means something to look in the mirror and tell yourself you’re proud of yourself for where you have come from and look forward to the places you will go. If it’s difficult for you to say that to yourself, I encourage you to try. Even if you are proud you made it out of bed today, it’s a start.
I hope this weekend, you can look around and find something or someone to be thankful for. I know I will. Happy Thanksgiving, my Canadian friends!